The trend of migratory flows has traditionally been characterized by a significant movement of young people leaving poorer countries for richer ones, a typical flow from countries of the Global South to the Global North. However, a closer analysis of the diverse aspects of migration reveals that there is a segment of the elderly population who are migrants and, more than that, experience migration later in life. Among these groups are the elderly – typically retirees – who decide to leave wealthy central countries to move to less developed countries than those where they were born. This phenomenon, known as retirement migration, is the subject of the book “ Retirement Migration and Precarity in Later Life” by Marion Repetti and Toni Calasanti. Intrigued by the phenomenon that seems to “contradict” global trends, the authors question what motivates retirees to leave affluent nations such as the United States, England, and Switzerland to relocate to economically less prosperous countr…

Source: Susi Anny Veloso Resende

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