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  7. Local communities in Austria-Hungary...

Changes in the management of the Habsburg Empire and new technologies, expanding the circulation of social communication, accelerated the modernisation processes taking place in Central Europe. It was an area inhabited by various ethnic, national, religious and linguistic communities; they had to rework their modus vivendi and to find their place in complex networks of relations, in the context of the liberalising legal framework of the 1860s in the Austrian part of the monarchy and the tightening grip of the state on the local non-Magyar initiatives in the Hungarian part. Deep and multi-faceted socio-cultural changes were leading to new cumulations of symbolic (and political) power; new groups, termed here as local communities (political, social, religious), were gaining visibility and sought recognition, according to changing configuration of values and integration impulses. We pose the question how the new or redefined communities were formed and managed.


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