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Christianized from the nineteenth century onwards, Oceania is today the scene of extremely diverse religious phenomena. This raises two sets of questions. The first concerns the reasons, forms and effects of the major transformation represented by the local peoples’ conversion to Christianity. The second is about the nature of the cultural change involved in conversion: is this a more or less homogenous, more or less stable mixing of two religious systems or, on the contrary, a brutal and deep break with former society? Or is it another type of reconstitution involving two systems of interpreting the world whose methods need to be understood and analysed? Here we have the additional problem of deciding in which analytical framework to study conversion and, therefore, the relationship these peoples still have with their past. Should this be placed in a society’s supposed continuity or, on the contrary, would it not be more pertinent to query such a perspective, too often considered a…

Source: Gabriele Weichart

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