Some 25 years ago, Jean-François Sabouret, an eminent specialist on Japan, published the first of his Asia-World chronicles. The aim of this multi-faceted project was to bring to the widest possible audience, through short texts posted on a freely accessible Internet platform, the most cutting-edge work on the countries that make up Asia and the Pacific, a rapidly expanding world in its own right. Established authors and young doctors alike have found a unique forum for expression and confrontation of ideas. Editorialized in French and English, these chronicles offer the best in human and social science (HSS) research on the Asia-World, its contemporary challenges as well as its permanent and emerging issues. This volume brings together the hundred or so contributions published between 2014 and 2023 on the GIS Asie website. Although it covers a wide range of subjects, together with the two previous issues (2011 and 2013), it constitutes a unique sum. Trained as a philosopher and soc…

Source: Jean-François Sabouret

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