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  7. Gouverner par les données ?...

This book is an invitation to enter the black box of algorithms, not from a technical point of view but from the perspective of political sociology. Does the proliferation of data available online, coupled with the progress of artificial intelligence, impact the way we govern? Can algorithms ‘predict’ citizens’ behaviour? How are these so-called predictive algorithms made, and by whom? Are they neutral and objective? What are the social, ethical and political issues involved in using data? And what are the commercial and market strategies at work? Can we still protect our data? Behind the processing of data, there are many different visions of the world at work. The point is to consider the algorithm as a political and social object, produced by actors as the result of private and now public commissions as well. These lines of code and complex calculations cannot be dissociated from the conditions of their production: they are embedded in a specific organisational and professional s…

Source: Anaïs Theviot

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