How do humans and chiropterans form communities? On a global scale, bats generate ambivalent feelings. They stimulate the imagination, and humans interact with them in a multitude of ways. They inspire myths. They defy classification. Their sexuality intrigues, and they raise the question of gender in unprecedented ways. They fuel technology and biomimicry. Their skills and sensitivity have been observed by many human communities, who mobilize them to move around, anticipate typhoons, etc. Their flesh is either appreciated or excluded from diets. They occupy a place of choice in the pharmacopeia. Stealthy and invisible, nocturnal and discreet, witchcraft calls on them. They embody spirits and divinities. They enter into clan kinship as ancestral figures. They are sometimes represented as allies bringing good fortune or enemies to be kept at a distance or in “the wild.” They are at the heart of initiation practices or sacrificial rituals. Although they have survived for millions of y…


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