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In light of the industrialized world’s deep-rooted reliance on fossil fuels and the urgent need to stay within the planet’s carbon budget, the book Sustainable Macroeconomics, Climate Risks, and Energy Transitions: Dynamic Modeling, Empirics, and Policies (Springer, 2023), authored by Professors Unurjargal Nyambuu and Willi Semmler, explores the intricate challenges of combating climate change and shifting towards a low-carbon economy. This work addresses the nuanced balance required between immediate climate actions and medium-term transition policies, providing a thorough and insightful guide to navigating the complexities and contradictions that characterize climate policy.

The book provides a profound examination of the complex interplay between macroeconomic stability, climate risks, and energy transitions. This book provides a thorough and insightful examination of empirical trends in carbon-intensive resource use, offering a critical analysis of the short-term market dynamics …

Source: Karim Errouaki

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