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  7. Atlas des pêcheries côtières...

Vanuatu archipelago, with a total population of 200 000, is made up of 80 large and small islands with fringing reefs where small-scale traditional subsistence fisheries have been operational for several centuries. After Vanuatu gained its independence in 1980, the Vanuatu Fisheries Department, scientifically backed by IRD (ex-ORSTOM), initiated an ambitious coastal fisheries development programme. When the programme began gaining momentum in 1983, Vanuatu’s rural economy was oriented towards agriculture-mainly copra production from coconuts-and cattle rearing. Coastal inhabitants were already bolstering their food security via subsistence fisheries, a subsector that the government project aimed to further strengthen. In 1983 and 1993, two national fisheries and agricultural censuses conducted by the National Planning and Statistics Office assessed the dynamics of Vanuatuan subsistence fisheries on a 10-year basis. This atlas provides a cartographic summary of this development exper…


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