This book on the subject of paid domestic service in mid-19th to mid-20th century France focuses specifically on the Rhône and Loire region. Based on a Ph.D. thesis in labour history, this work examines, through a feminist lens, the creation of the “domestic worker” category both by the State and the employer class as a preferred means of exploiting women and the working classes. It discusses the wages, working and living conditions, and degree of freedom of domestic workers, comparing them with those of other manual workers and farmers. The book covers domestic service in both urban and rural contexts, men and women, in a varied economic landscape (both heavily industrialised areas and farming villages). Using legal, administrative and private sources, the author seeks to go beyond the literary tops of the obedient and powerless female domestic worker by describing, in a clear and vivid style, the lives of domestic workers and by offering an original analysis of the exploitation to…


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